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Asked by: 5666 views FAA Regulations

I held CFI certificates more than 20 years ago. What must I do to to become an instructor as a light sport pilot?

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4 Answers

  1. Wes Beard on Sep 13, 2011

    You will need to reinstate your CFI license by taking another practical test.  The practical test can be for a rating you already hold or a new rating.
    The question I have is what LSA aircraft are you intending to instruct in?  If the LSA category is airplane than you will not need to pass the sport instructor practical test assuming you have an ASE rating on your CFI.
    I am fairly certain, but could be wrong, that if you want to teach in a LSA aircraft that is not in the airplane category you will need to pass the sport instructor practical in the category of airplane you want to teach in.  Afterwards, you will only need to get an endorsement once you accomplish the aeronautical experience for the other categories.

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  2. Earl Kessler on Sep 13, 2011

    As a CFI Airplane, you have Sport Pilot privledges.  I recommend you get your regular CFI back so that you have the option to instruct in either.  Currently if you become a Sport Pilot CFI only, your instruction doesn’t count if one of your sport pilot students wants to transition to private.  So the same instruction must be repeated with a CFI-A in order to step up to private from sport pilot.
    A friend of mine is in the same situation.  He learned that the paper instructor’s certificate needs to be turned in when he takes his checkride in order to reinstate his CFI, so don’t discard it!  Even though it is expired and no longer legal to use, it is a bookmark of proof of your previous accomplishment for the FAA.

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  3. Micah on Sep 14, 2011

    “Sport Pilot” is a broad designation and spans several types of aircraft. Your CFI is category and class specific, just like your pilot’s certificate. If you are rated in the category/class then you should be able to instruct in that aircraft. Some sport aircraft require a minimum of PIC hours to instruct.

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  4. dan carley on Nov 08, 2011

    what do i have to do to get a lsa instructors licence. i have a priviate commerical instrument multi rating now

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