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5 Answers

Private Checkride

Asked by: 7913 views Flight Instructor, Private Pilot

With the advent of the GPS is it still a requirement to have a VOR & Nav reciever installed on aircraft? How about a checkride in a CUB?


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5 Answers

  1. Ian on Aug 19, 2011

    That’s a good question. The Private Pilot Practical Test Standards indicates that an applicant must be familiar with and be able to use an, “airborne electronic navigation system.” It does not mention VOR specifically. So, a private pilot test in a Cub with only a handheld GPS would be acceptable.

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  2. James MacGregor CFI on Aug 20, 2011

    Did mine back in a Champ. The cub will serve you well!

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  3. James MacGregor CFI on Aug 20, 2011

    Ask your DPE about the GPS, some are more hardnose on it then others, if it is PANEL mounted they shouldnt have a issue at all, handhelds, well that depends on your DPE

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  4. Christopher Ryan on Sep 09, 2011

    Right out of the FAA-S-8081-14A Private Pilot PTS book Page 7
    The private pilot—airplane applicant is required by 14 CFR section61.45, to provide an airworthy, certificated aircraft for use during thepractical test. This section further requires that the aircraft must:1. be of U.S., foreign or military registry of the same category,class, and type, if applicable, for the certificate and/or rating forwhich the applicant is applying;2. have fully functioning dual controls, except as provided for in14 CFR section 61.45(c) and (e); and3. be capable of performing all AREAS OF OPERATIONappropriate to the rating sought and have no operatinglimitations, which prohibit its use in any of the AREAS OFOPERATION, required for the practical test.
    and in the Areas of Operation list it only says,
    B. TASK: NAVIGATION SYSTEMS AND RADAR SERVICES(ASEL and ASES)REFERENCES: FAA-H-8083-3, AC 61-23/FAA-H-8083-25; NavigationEquipment Operation Manuals, AIM.Objective. To determine that the applicant:1. Exhibits knowledge of the elements related to navigation systemsand radar services.2. Demonstrates the ability to use an airborne electronic navigationsystem.3. Locates the airplane’s position using the navigation system.4. Intercepts and tracks a given course, radial or bearing, asappropriate.5. Recognizes and describes the indication of station passage, ifappropriate.6. Recognizes signal loss and takes appropriate action.7. Uses proper communication procedures when utilizing radarservices.8. Maintains the appropriate altitude, ±200 feet (60 meters) andheadings ±15°
    So in the end you just have to have some kind of Equipment that lets you track a given course, radial or bearing, as appropriate.
    thats Basically it if you go by the PTS set by the FAA, but the DPE can say he wants a VOR in the plane if he wants. I know some DPEs by me require it in the plane and want your student to show they can use it.
    But i will say this much if you have both in the plane you best know how to use both because he can ask you to do both and fail you if you don’t know how to use both.
    Sometimes less is best in this business when it comes to check rides.

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  5. JamesCFI on Sep 09, 2011

    Remember “airborne electronic navigation system” may mean a PANEL MOUNTED (and/or TSOed) unit.

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