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2 Answers

Helicopter commercial certificate

Asked by: 4290 views FAA Regulations

Hi...Part 61.123,,My question is for the five hour insturment requirement for a commerical rating in a helicopter.. I says you can use a simulator for that..correct me if I am wrong...I was wondering what kind of simulator you have to use...thanks in advance...Jason

2 Answers

  1. Paul Tocknell on Jul 10, 2011


    This question was originally answered by Wesley but during the whole database issue got messed up, here is his answer:

    This is a good question Jason.  The correct FAR is §61.129 and it states that the 5hrs of flight by reference to instruments can be completed in an aircraft, simulator, flight training device or aviation training device (ATD).
    There are currently four different types of “simulators” of which only one is classified by the FAA as a simulator.  FAR Part 60 defines these terms for you and AC 61-136 defines what a BATD and AATD consist of.
    A simulator has a Level A thru Level D certification.  The only way to get this certification is a full motion simulator like FlightSafety of Simuflite has.  Flight Training Devices have certificates at Level 4 thru Level 7.  Most small flight school will have BATD and AATD devices that can be loggable as a PCATD device on the 8710.
    For your question, a FTD or an BATD / AATD will qualify as the necessary 5hrs of training.  Make sure the equipment has a letter of authorization from the FAA stating what type of equipment it is.

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  2. Wes Beard on Jul 12, 2011

    Here is a legal interpretation by Rebecca MacPherson from the office of the FAA Chief Counsel

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