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4 Answers

Have not flown in 2 years

Asked by: 6617 views Student Pilot

I have over 120 Hours in flight time but no license i was supposed to do my check ride at embry but never got too. I came back home to new jersey found a flight school to finish off my check ride. So i went there with 1,500 to do a touch up but that quickly went since the instructor kept telling me i need more training before the check ride. So i didn't get my check ride done so the BIG question is do i have to restart all over again in getting my private pilot license.

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4 Answers

  1. Matthew Waugh on Jun 16, 2011

    Honestly look yourself in the eye (eh?) and do you think you can pass the checkride? If so, find another instructor, it’s your money. You will probably have to fly 3 hours with an instructor before they will sign you off (61.109(a)(4)). Technically you don’t have to, but before an instructor will sign you off they are probably going to want to see you perform all the maneuvers and that’s going to take a couple of flights.
    You do not need to start again, you must meet the requirements and find an instructor willing to sign you off for the practical test. 

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  2. John D. Collins on Jun 16, 2011

    If it has been two years since you have last flown, it is likely that your knowledge test results will have expired, so you will probably need to retake it.  I am not sure if you need a new endorsement from an instructor to retake the test, since you already have one (maybe other instructors on the forum could comment on this aspect), but if you do, getting the knowledge test out of the way before you resume flying would be my recommendation.


    Circumstances are different for each student, but 120 hours of flight time is on the high side for a student to have prior to earning a private pilot’s license.  So, you need to be honest with yourself.  Have you had difficulty in learning flying skills or are there just circumstances that intervened, such as stops and starts, multiple instructors, airplane changes, etc. that reasonably explain the high time.  If you decide to continue, I would not be surprised if it will take you at least 10 hours to regain your skills and to be able to demonstrate to an instructor that you are proficient enough to pass the practical test.


    If you decide to proceed, choose your instructor wisely, as you certainly don’t need an instructor who’s only interest is building time.  I would recommend that you select an instructor that has trained and recommended a large number of pilots, ideally recently, verses one that has few or none.  Make sure that you and the instructor stay focused on your goal of completing the training.  If you already meet the experience requirements, I would recommend that you consider only dual flights, as they are generally more productive for the student.  I would also plan to fly at least three times per week if you want to quickly regain your proficiency.


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  3. Heather McNevin on Jun 18, 2011

    You don’t have to start all over, once you meet experience requirements like minimum hours, night hours, tower landings, etc they are done.  You will probably need to brush up on these skills however, since its been awhile.  Embry Riddle and UND and the big flight schools have great programs, but in order to keep everyone safe and progressing, their flight lessons are somewhat sheltered.  Find a good school and finish up Part 61.  I’d recommend completing some AOPA air safety foundation courses as a good refresher on some topics.  Choose your instructor carefully.  Unfortunatly some see you as “free hours” on their way to the airlines.  Others, will see you as a future pilot and will treat you as such.  Good luck!

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  4. Robert Mazurek on Apr 11, 2014

    I had a ppl lightcraft licence which ran out two years ago . And i have not flown for at least 5 years . What do i have to do to get current again. Plz help

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