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Let me interview you!

Asked by: 7663 views Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Student Pilot


 What got you started in Aviation?     What is your education background?

 What are/were your goals in this industry?

What have been the biggest challenges in your career?

What do you enjoy most about the job? Do you think a bachelors degree is necessary?

What advice would you give to new pilots?


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1 Answers

  1. Richard Hages on May 01, 2011

    I got started in aviation when I was in junior high school. I had a friend that was taking flight lessons and I didn’t even realize that it was an option for someone that age so I was instantly interested.
    I got my private license in high school and went on to the University of North Dakota to earn a bachelor’s degree in aeronautics. (I would highly recommend UND 😉
    I don’t have any specific goals really. I’m currently a full time flight instructor but would like to work for airlines or a corporate department. Really anyone who will pay me to fly.
    There are lots of challenges on the pilot route. Different certificates provide different challenges. If you go the University route you will most likely be challenged by the private pilot course. Also the CFI course at a university is pretty challenging. In general, time building is a challenge mostly to your patience. As long as you really love flying you wont mind the challenges though.
    As a flight instructor I enjoy learning the most. I think every pilot should be a flight instructor at some point. Even after you get through your private, instrument, commercial, multi, etc. you still dont know as much as you would after teaching. Teaching brings every nuance about flying out to be examined and trust me, if you teach long enough you will examine every nuance.
    As far as a degree is concerned, a degree is not necisarrily “required” but if you plan on going anywhere in the industry you’d better get one. It’s a point of pride to be studied in your field. If you really aspire to go any farther than a flight instructing job (and maybe not even that) you should have a degree.
    Finally my piece of advice would be “look out the window”. Every once in a while you will get frustrated with flying. You’ll start to look at it as more work than anything else and it will be challenging. When it starts to get hard and you start to feel this way make sure you look out the window. Remember, you’re flying a plane for a living. You could be stuck in a cubicle somewhere inside but instead you’re in the cockpit of an airplane. Make sure you refuel your love for aviation every once in a while and remind yourself of why you love to fly. I do this by trying to go to Oshkosh every year. I also write a blog to try to spread my knowledge and love for aviation. Check it out at http://www.TheArtofFlying.net . Good luck in your endeavors.

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