Logging total flight time vs. logging SIC vs. logging PIC
Asked by: LovemyGF 12864 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating
I'm a CFI, building my hours for that 121 job someday (hopefully). I'm a CFI, CFII, and MEI, and of course, need that golden multi time. Since I cannot go on our flight department's 135 charter (the FAA is only allowing one pilot, one airplane, so thus I'm out of the picture), and my employer does not offer multi training, I need other ways of getting multi time.
Anyways, the chief CFI, and the only pilot allowed for the 135 work, needs to do a 135 check with the FAA tomorrow, and wanted to practice before his check. He asked me to go up with him to be his safety pilot today; we logged 1.3 hours in the Seneca, and about an hour of that time, he was under the hood. My question, my logbook has columns for flight instructor, dual, PIC, SIC and Total Time. How would I log this? Would I log 1 hour of PIC and 1.3 total time, or 1.3 as CFI (since I am an MEI) and 1.3 total time. Or would I only log 1 hour of total time? I'm confused...oh the joys of being a CFI, trying to figure the FARs out.
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