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6 Answers

Instrument written test clarification

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FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating

This is a two part question:

1- How long is the logbook sign-off to take the test valid.

2- Since the FAA recently changed the question bank, and did not publish it, what should I study?  I'm still reading the books and old questions, but one of my friends who did that got a 60%, so I'm kinda lost on where to go from here.


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6 Answers

  1. Chuck Copley on Mar 29, 2011

    1) no limit part 61.35

    The 14 CFR parts that apply to flight under instrument flight rules (IFR)
    conditions, the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM), and the IFR air traffic
    system and procedures.

    Dead reckoning appropriate to IFR navigation using various navigation systems.
    The use of IFR en route and approach procedure charts.

    The procurement and use of aviation weather reports and forecasts, and the
    elements of forecasting weather trends on the basis of that information and
    personal observation of weather conditions.

    The safe and efficient operation of aircraft, as appropriate, under instrument
    weather conditions.

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  2. Matthew Waugh on Mar 29, 2011

    1. The answer to that is murky. If it’s a certificate of graduation etc. etc. then that’s pretty clear – 60 days. But as best I can tell there is no limit on a logbook endorsement (unless the instructor places one there). I speak with some experience, because I was a proctor at a test center once and we researched that pretty enthusiastically. If you’d walked in with a sign-off from Orville we’d have sat you down in front of the computers.
    This would not be the first case where people have made up their own rules however, so if your sign-off is more than 60 days old you might want to call the testing center first and see what they think. If they do say it expires ask them what they base that on and report back – because I’d love to know.
    2. Harder question to answer. Somewhere the FAA publishes the “Areas of Knowledge” and they also publish the list of documents they used to define those areas of knowledge. It may be in the PTS – it’s been a while, and when I was instructing you could just learn the answer to the specific questions.
    However – IFF you know all the information in the FAA’s reference material cold you can easily pass the test. At a minimum it at least defines the scope (large as it may be) of the material you need to study.
    That’s not a great answer I’m afraid, but it was the intent of the FAA (I assume) to move the knowledge test to a test of actual knowledge, and not memorization. The FAA has published a list of the knowledge they expect you to know, so it’s not random, just daunting.

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  3. Wes Beard on Mar 29, 2011

    There is no specific expiration length on a signoff to take a knowledge test.
    The areas to study are listed in the FAR’s

    Private Pilot §61.105(b)
    Commercial Pilot §61.125(b)
    ATP §61.155(c)
    Instrument §61.65(b)

    The material to study is listed in the front portion of each PTS.  There is a lot of stuff to cover.  My advice, is to learn the principles behind the previous test questions as I don’t think, in my opinion, the FAA will test of different principles.  For example, if they give you a VOR location problem, the underlining principle is knowing what the needle means and the To/From flag means.

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  4. Earl Kessler on Mar 29, 2011

    I just received an update of several new test questions from ASA.  It appears that the most important message that they are disseminating is the ORDER of the answers now will be randomly sorted.  In other words, if you recognize a test question, the answer position (A through E) is now going to be rotated randomly, thereby forcing you to read and understand the answers.  No more rote memorization of the first few words of a question to lead to answer B.  Face it, the facts, other than GPS, over the last 25 years haven’t changed that much.  If you know the material, you will pass.

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  5. MaggotCFII on Apr 03, 2011

    Found this over at Dauntless:
    Might be helpful in understanding what is happening with the question bank.
    Also found this with links to the supplemental publications and Learning Statement Refrence Guide.  Also has 90 IRA questions.  Interesting – to be further explored!

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  6. carpediem1 on Feb 01, 2012

    To study for the written there are programs like our software that do not teach you mindless memorization but instead teach you the material itself through time tested techniques. I have been personally teaching written exam classes for over 10 years and here is the result of my experience:
    Feel free to download our trial version and see if this teaching technique suits your needs.

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