Hi, i have a dutch nationality living in south america i currently hold a icao ppl licence and have around 70 hours.
im planning to come to the US to get my CPL- IR- ME and mij CFI.
Mij Question is this can i get a complete JAA course in the US because i have searched a lot and heared that i had to go to europe to the IR .Second which is easier to convert FAA to JAA or reverse .
every other pilot i know has an FAA licence so i know the route to get an FAA license
If you know good JAA schools in the florida area i would appreciate it.
And any recomendations regarding whether you think FAA or JAA would be better would be nice.
I have searched the internet quite alot but i find alot of different answers
thanks, giovanni
P.s if this is not the place to ask such a question i appoligize in advance.
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