What to do next?
Asked by: Micah 5972 views Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, General Aviation
One thing I miss from my flight training days is advancing to the next segment of learning/training. Looking forward to adding new ratings/certificates and learning new skills was very stimulating and rewarding. I always want to continue learning, but I feel that hanging a carrot is a reasonable thing to do--what do you recommend I pursue next?
A little background info: Commerical-ASEL-AMEL-IA, CFI-ASEL-IA. I worked purely as an instructor for while before moving to a desk job. I keep a few students but fly <100hrs a year now. I have roughly 1,100 TT and 800 Dual-Given (not yet eligible for ATP so not currently interested in a Type rating). A few things that have come to mind: G1000 training course/sim time; MEI; taildragger training; aerobatic training. Any other thoughts, suggestions or preferences on a good goal to keep me improving as a pilot?
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