Flight Currency to Rent ASEL – How Many Days Before Requiring Another Rental Checkout Ride in Same Type Aircraft
Asked by: PedroThePilot 2548 views Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
This question is about recurring aircraft rental checkout requirements.
I would like to know what guidelines flight schools use for requiring an updated rental checkout ride for a PPL renting ASEL (not complex & not HP) . If it has been a 6 month lapse in flight experience in that type aircraft I can see requiring the renter to get checked out again with a CFI.
What about 30, 60, or 90+ days since the last rental in that type?
What about if you’ve recently flown the identical aircraft, but rented at a different school? Is that logged flight experience recognized?
Are there different guidelines for pilots with a PPL, CPL, or CFI rating? Or folks with >500 Hours?
Are there any overlaps regarding aircraft types, meaning for example that a Cessna 172 checkout or flight currency would cover both a C172 and a C-150. Piper PA28-160 and PA28-161 ?
I am sure there is probably a “Goldilocks” zone in there somewhere. I’m hoping the many seasoned veterans here on this site can help reveal it.
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