DUI and Checkride Failures
Asked by: CareerChanger 1648 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Light Sport Aircraft, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
so recently I made the biggest mistake of my life and was arrested for a DUI. I’m just curious where my life is about to go from here do I change my career all together or is there even a chance for me to keep trying to build my time?
I’m currently a CFI and have about 850 hours. I have about 5 total check ride failures including my CFI( 2 PPL, 1 IR, 1 MEL, 1 CFI) . Realistically not a great look on my resume and I’m curious if I should just get real and start working towards another career. I hate that I made it this far in my life and now I have to come to the hard realization that I may never achieve the goals I once inspired to have.
please be respectful in the comments I know I messed up and the only thing I’m trying to do is figure out how I’m able to improve from this and never let a situation like this ever happen again.
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