Commercial Heli adding on fixed wing with no experience. What minimums are needed?
Asked by: Neatocary7 7182 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Helicopter, Private Pilot
With already completing private/commercial with helicopter, what are the requirements to add on a commercial fixed wing SEL. Can I skip the PPL and go straight for commercial?
Pt 61.63 (b) indicates completing training on applicable aeronautical experience, logbook endorsement of said experience, and pass the practical test (not written).
Does this mean Pt 61.109 comes into play? I feel like it does NOT..
-I must log 40 hours (20 of that training with instructor, and 10 hours of solo flight)
-Log 3 hours XC
-Log 3 hours night unless previously night training is verified. Pt 61.110(b)ii
Can anyone clear up what minimums I must meet per the FAA to get my Fixed wing commercial add on?
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