How many separate checkouts with a CFI make reasonable sense for the various C-172 Configurations?
Asked by: PedroThePilot 1890 views Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
How many separate checkouts make reasonable sense for the various C-172 Configurations?
I completed two separate aircraft checkouts with a CFI so I could rent a carb vs a fuel injected C-172. That makes sense. Same repeat story with a steam gauge vs a G-1000 equipped TAA C-172.
So I am now renting at a different Flight School. It is a new ball game, and not all lucky C-172 combinations of features are available.
Aside from the preceding categories, is it reasonable to require separate check outs for:
C-172’s equipped with O-320 vs O-360 vs O-300 engines.
C-172’s with electric vs pre 1964 Johnson Bar Flap Controls.
Earlier straight tail (taller landing gear) vs later swept tail (lower landing gear) 172’s.
Again, I am at a new flight school and trying to minimize the number of separate “check outs” needed to be able to rent the broadest range of C-172’s for VFR only recreational daytime flying. I understand the priority on safety, but it should be tempered with a degree of reasonableness. A vintage shot gun instrument panel vs more recent 6 Pack instrument configuration shouldn’t be an issue for a PPL or above. Or should it ?
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