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1 Answers

Multi add on

Asked by: 1755 views Commercial Pilot

I require 25 hours multi (15 aircraft 10 simulator) . If I do 10 hours of multi during the complex 10 hours during commercial single . And during multi add on 5 aircraft 10 simulators under an part 141 school. Will this work.

Can please provide with multi add on part 141 minimum requirements for checkride.

1 Answers

  1. Jeff Baum on Mar 10, 2024

    Yash, you keep asking similar questions which your 141 school should be able to answer. Previously you asked if you could combine the SE “complex” requirement by training in a multiengine. The answer was that; Yes, Part 61 allows for that combination. Note that is “PART 61”, Part 141 has some different requirements. It appears that you are in a 141 school and working with a CFI. They’re your best resource for these questions.

    If you want to know what the BASE requirements for a 141 program then look up the part 141 regulations which pertain to the certificate level or add-on. The requirements are listed there. Part 141 Commercial Pilot Program requirements are in Appendix D and I. Read them carefully. Read what the regulation says, not what you’d like it to say. If it stays “an airplane” then an airplane works. If it says “a multiengine airplane” then only a multiengine airplane meets the base requirements. Each 141 programs has specific program requirements, some of which may be more restrictive.

    The best source of what a particular 141 school is going to require or allow, is to ask THEM. The FAA approves each 141 school, approves their programs and training syllabi. Can you combine requirements in a 141 program? It depends on how their program is setup and approved, and the course syllabi. The school should have someone who can review YOUR records and walk you through what time/experience will be acceptable, what requirements may be combined, and the best, most appropriate plan to complete your training within their approved 141 training plans.

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