Commencing an approach at an IF with a procedure turn
Asked by: zlaatc01 993 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating
I’m a controller at ZLA and I recently got into a debate about an approach at KDAG.
The question is whether or not an approach clearance for the RNAV Rwy 26 can be issued from BASAL (a feeder fix to the IF). On the chart basal is identified as a feeder fix to the IF (DOGSE). It is more than 90 degrees but DOGSE has a HILPT. However I cannot find a regulation that specifies that the approach can begin at an IF where it is more than 90 degrees. Could this be a chart error and DOGSE should in fact be identified as an IF/IAF? Or is there a reg someone could direct me to that allows this clearance to be issued. Thanks.
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