Additional Category/Rating through Part 141 with higher certificate
Asked by: wyattr 911 views General Aviation
Can a pilot conduct part 141 training for an additional aircraft category if they hold a higher level certificate?
I completed the Military competency test and received a Commercial certificate: rotorcraft-helicopter w/ instrument rating. I recently completed my private airplane single engine land addon part 61. I was planning to attend a part 141 college program to receive my instrument rating - airplane as well as my commercial single engine land. I was told that since I already hold a commercial certificate I cannot attend the program. Is this something that is specific to each part 141 program? Does the part 141 program specifically have to have a "Additional Aircraft Category and/or Class Rating Course" like the table of contents of Part 141 shows?
When looking at Appendix D to part 141 "
Commercial Pilot Certification Course" the eligibility for enrollment states "At least a private pilot certificate" which I hold.
I've read through part 61.63 and appendix I of part 141 but haven't really found a solid answer to the why.
EDIT: The main reason I am looking to go this route is to have my training paid for in a college degree program with VA benefits, I know I could go directly to a commercial SEL addon.
My main question is: can I/what is stopping me from conducting the training as if it were my first issuance of a category/rating? I.E I meet the full aeronautical experience, pass the knowledge test, and pass the full practical test.
Would love to hear opinions on this, Thank you!
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