Landing Technique ASEL – Both Hands on the Yoke – OK or Not OK
Asked by: PedroThePilot 1115 views Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Student Pilot
Basically, the question is whether two hands on the yoke ( after having made the runway ) is an acceptable technique under dry daytime VFR conditions on paved 4000 foot plus runways for a single engine non-complex fixed pitch aircraft such as an Archer or C-172.
I recently saw a video with four experienced CFIs, three of them DPEs, discussing landing techniques. Several admitted at times using both hands on the yoke to improve the quality of their landing. As I recall, their discussion included Mooney ASEL aircraft.
I fly with a very experienced former FAA check pilot, and he thought it was not too swift an idea, and better to keep one hand on the throttle. I did four landings today, all fairly non traumatic, but I must admit that the one I tried with both hands on the yoke was buttery smooth.
I can see two points of view here, and for now will continue to land with one hand on the throttle. Nevertheless, I find the idea of a two hands on the yoke technique somewhat intriguing.
This site is blessed with many experienced CFIs. Under what circumstances and with what aircraft, if any, would you find such a two handed technique acceptable ?
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