How to best Integrate a Biennial Flight Review with Ongoing Instrument Training with my CFII
Asked by: PedroThePilot 1181 views Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Student Pilot
I need to complete a Biennial Flight Review for my PPL in about two months. I am also about to start my dual instrument training with a CFII. I currently fly about 4-6 PIC hours a month, usually with a pilot buddy, and we usually switch seats half way though the flight. Therefore I experience an additional few hours as a right seat passenger fiddling with Comms, GPS settings, etc . The point being, I am in the air, and not rusting away on the ground.
I welcome suggestions on how to best integrate the Biennial into my Instrument Dual training. Can bits and pieces of the Biennial be done over several flights? Basically, I am trying to figure out an approach which would best integrate the Biennial flight experience with my ongoing instrument training.
Thank you for sharing your experiences and suggestions.
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