Do you want an in-person Test Prep Seminar?
Asked by: Aviation Seminars 1067 views Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
At Aviation Seminars, we provide a robust suite of courses designed to help you soar through your FAA exams and refresh your flight instructor skills. Whether you prefer the live interaction of classroom sessions or the flexibility of online courses, we have something tailored for you. Our offerings span from Private Pilot Seminars to Commercial Pilot Seminars, Instrument Rating Seminars, and an exclusive 100% video-based online Flight Instructor Refresher Course (FIRC). With a remarkable first-time pass rate exceeding 95%, we are committed to delivering quality, up-to-date content ensuring your success in the aviation field. Join us, and let your aviation dreams take flight! Email me today for locations and discounts
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