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2 Answers

IFR Flight Planning: How does route planning from point of intended destination to the alternate airport work?

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FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating


I'm reviewing IFR flight planning procedures. I'm aware of the 1-2-3 rule, in which +/- 1 hour from ETA, if the ceiling is forecasted to be less than 2000 AGL and visibility is forecasted to be less than 3 SM, an alternate must be filed. However, how does one go about anticipating what type of routing to expect from destination to alternate? Is that something which ATC will simply assign when I declare that I'm going to divert, or is that something which is included on my FAA Flight Plan (Block 8 or Block 13)?

Thank you for your help!

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2 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Oct 04, 2023

    The FAA Domestic Flight Plan Form is no longer used in the US, except by the military. So field 8 for the route is now field 15c of the ICAO form and field 13 is now part of field 16. The route to the alternate is not filed. When you either miss the approach or decide to divert, the controller will ask you for your intentions. When you respond that you intend to fly to another airport, ATC will issue you a new route clearance to your updated destination. Alternate planning is a fuel planning exercise and you should plan your own route. There is no requirement if you miss your approach at the original destination, that you proceed to your filed alternate. The controller is not presented with your filed alternate, so they don’t really know what you plan to do, that is why they ask you to state your intentions. If it still makes most sense from a safety and weather point of view to proceed to your alternate, you provide the controller with that request and they will clear you accordingly. In many cases, the situation has changed since you filed and you may choose a better and safer plan of action. Filing an appropriate alternate means you should have sufficient fuel to complete your flight safely if you are unable to land at your intended destination airport.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Oct 05, 2023

    Yes, it’s “something which ATC will simply assign when I declare that I’m going to divert, ” or, you can request the airport and route you want.

    No, ATC doesn’t see your filed alternate. After all, there is no requirement you go there. The filed alternate is a planning/fuel availability task only.


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