Cross Country 61.65(g)(1)
Asked by: Val 1306 views Instrument Rating, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
My son's Part 61 flight school told him that he could work on his instrument cross-country requirements while he waits to get a check ride date for his PPL. (Getting a check ride date is a whole other issue that I don't want to discuss here.) I searched the FARS and found 61.65(g)(1), which allows students to credit 45 hours of cross-country time flying with an instructor to be credited toward the Instrument requirement. Combined with the 5 hours of solo (PIC) cross country required for the Private, it totals 50 hours. So I have a few questions about this: 1.) I'm assuming it won't count toward Commercial cross-country requirements since it's not PIC. Is this correct? 2.) I heard that combining the two types of training will require the student to do both check rides at the same time. Yikes! Is that true? Where is the regulation? 3.) Can a student pilot do more than 5 hours of solo (PIC) cross country and have it count toward that 50 for the instrument rating? What if he did 50 hours of solo PIC cross country as a student pilot? I'm assuming only 5 of it will count. Is that correct? Thanks for your help.
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