TSA endoresment, Student pilot certificate with a name change?
Asked by: Gyouska90 1017 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Student Pilot
I recently go a new student and after doing an intro flight I told him to bring something so I can verify citizen ship and issue the TSA endorsement. When he presented me with a birth certificate, he informed me he is in the process of getting his name changed. I wasn't exactly sure how this would work. from the sounds of it he keeps his original birth certificate showing the name change but will have documents in addition to it showing the change. Do I issue the endorsement in his new name? I would assume if his birth certificate doesn't change then the endorsement will show his original name? also for the student pilot certificate he has filled out a IACRA app for the new name although the change hasn't gone through quite yet. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with such a thing and how to go about dealing with it.
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