Sport pilot solo
Asked by: Gyouska90 927 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Light Sport Aircraft, Student Pilot
Hi I recently got a sport pilot student and have been doing training and logging it as 61.87 d pre solo manuevers as well as 61.311 sport pilot manuevers. I am wondering about sending the student solo? Do I just give him student pilot solo endorsements same as PPL? 61.87 b, c ,n ? I do not see anything about sport pilot solo under sport pilot section in the FAR AIM its my impression that the solo requirements are essentially the same as a regular student pilot looking to get their PPL? If so I haven't digged super hard in the regs ATM but I have been under the understanding and applicant has to have their medical to go solo. In the case of the sport pilot who does not qualify for a medical how does this work can anyone point me in the direction of the reg that clarifies this? Any additional info would be great!
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