Long IFR XC Flight: 3 Separate plans?
Asked by: flyingwithrocks 945 views Instrument Rating
In reference to 61.65d
(ii) Instrument flight training on cross country flight procedures, including one cross country flight in an airplane with an authorized instructor, that is performed under instrument flight rules, when a flight plan has been filed with an air traffic control facility, and that involves—
(A) A flight of 250 nautical miles along airways or by directed routing from an air traffic control facility;
(B) An instrument approach at each airport; and
(C) Three different kinds of approaches with the use of navigation systems.
I know there is not one right way to file for this flight, so what are your thoughts on the best way to do it for you? Do you usually file 3 separate legs and get clearance every time you land? Or do you opt for filing just one plan that goes through multiple airports and request an approach and touch and go at each one from ATC as part of your route?
Good luck to all those working on their instrument ratings!
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