Complex endorsement as a student pilot, still valid as a private pilot?
Asked by: ihawkr14 1217 views FAA Regulations, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
Hello all,
I have been trying to find the answer to this question in the FAR/AIM without success, hoping someone on here has some helpful information!
If an endorsement is obtained as a student pilot, such as a Complex or High Performance, does the endorsement carry over once you obtain your PPL, or must you receive the endorsement again at that point?
I did some of my student training in a Beechcraft that was both High Performance and Complex and received an endorsement for both in that aircraft as a student. I have now received my PPL in a different aircraft and I am curious if those endorsements need to be obtained again as a private pilot or if they carry over from when I held a student license?
Thanks for any input!
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