7 Answers
Commercial experience requirements (61.129) – combine 300 nm, night VFR, TAA?
Asked by: PVS 2002 views Commercial Pilot
I recently completed my 100 nm/2 hr day and night XCs. CFI and I flew out during the day and returned at night. We also flew TAA (G1000, with auto pilot) so this took care of around 5 hours of TAA requirement as well.
I need to get 5 hours of "night VFR" and remaining 5 hours of TAA. I also need to complete the 300 nm XC. Can I combine all 3, by flying with CFI at night?
(I do have solo night VFR hours from earlier in life, but cannot combine solo and with-CFI, so keeping it all with-CFI, and not using any earlier night VFR hours)
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