Last fix on STAR and no contact with ATC
Asked by: tommytom 862 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
Had this happen and I am unsure how the FAA wants pilots to handle the situation.
If you know what the correct action would be please site your source. I would like to see the FAA’s Guidance for this situation. Thank you.
Destination: KTEB
Weather: VFR
KTEB ATIS is advertising the RNAV Y 19 VFR weather
We were flying the WILKES BARRE 4 ARRIVAL (LVZ.LVZ4) arrival. The last fix on the arrival is STW VOR. Routing after STW is “EXPECT RADAR vectors to final approach course”. We were unable to check in (as for all the other traffic in the area) because the approach controller was extremely busy and calling traffic in rapid fire fashion and giving instructions and clearances. No one was able to transmit otherwise they would block the controller. 2nm from STW we tried checking in with the controller with no luck. We arrived to STW and still no luck making contact with the controller. Now What? How would the FAA like us to proceed from there? Continue from the last fix on the current heading? Proceed to the IAF of the RNAV Y19 Approach? Proceed direct to the airport? Anyone know of any guidance for this situation?
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