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6 Answers

Approach Plate

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Reference to the KAND ILS 5 Approach Plate

Q1: Why do identifiers have an I (e.g. I-AND)
Q2: The DME note from OYUNA is 12.5 but the lateral distance is 11.3 (6+4+1.3). Why?

Q2: At runway threshold I see a DME labeled I-AND (1.2). What does the 1.2 tell me?

6 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on May 14, 2023

    Q1: Why do identifiers have an I (e.g. I-AND)
    Are you referring to the Morse Code identifier?

    Q2: The DME note from OYUNA is 12.5 but the lateral distance is 11.3 (6+4+1.3). Why?
    12.5 is the DME distance from the DME antenna. 11.3 is the total distance to the threshold, which is 1.2 from the antenna.
    11.+-1.2=12.5 to the antenna.

    Q2: At runway threshold I see a DME labeled I-AND (1.2). What does the 1.2 tell me?
    DME distance from the threshold to the antenna defines the MAP.

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  2. Stephen Kaloroplos on May 16, 2023

    Looking at the plan profile view every DME is preceded with I-AND, Why? and look at the threshold I-AND (1.2). What is the (1.2)? Is it a distance? And if so to where?

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  3. Russ Roslewski on May 16, 2023

    I recommend referring to the chart legend, or the Aeronautical Chart User’s Guide, for this kind of information. Lots of good stuff in there, that we tend to miss with digital charts since the legend isn’t the first several pages of the book we flip by.

    I-AND is the identifier of the ILS. It’s in the upper left corner of the approach chart (FAA charts). It’s what the morse code will broadcast. Every ILS identifier starts with “I-“, to signify “ILS”.

    DME fixes show the identifier of the system from which the DME is measured, and the distance is the DME value you would see with a real DME receiver. Note that the “12.5” is contained within a capital-D-shaped box. It’s the distance to the DME antenna, which is this case is located with the Localizer antenna, although that’s not always the case (but usually is).

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  4. Jeff Baum on May 16, 2023

    For a different example, pull up the Helena MT (KHLN) ILS 27 Y. Take a look at the DME fixes. Each DME fix has “HLN” followed by a number inside of a D, not “I-HLN”. The ILS/LOC ident is I-HLN, but the LOC does not have DME. The DME is off of the HLN VOR which is located just short and slightly north of the runway 27 threshold. This particular approach requires either two Nav radios or a separate DME receiver, see the note on the briefing strip.

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  5. Mark Kolber on May 17, 2023

    Are you a brand new instrument student?

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  6. Mark Kolber on May 21, 2023

    Interesting… Apparently someone thinks understanding the basics of an IAP chart as a rated pilot is ok.

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