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Why is the RNAV-(GPS)-B approach into Nampa Municipal (KMAN) circling only?

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I can't figure out why this approach was made circling only. The descent angle is 3.62 degrees on the VGSI, which is below the threshold of 400ft/NM, or 3.77 degrees to require a circling approach. The approach is also aligned with runway 29 so is not off by more than 30 degrees. Other than that the only other regulation I can find if the runway is not clearly defined on the airfield, but this doesn't seem to be the case, and the RNAV approach to runway 11 has LPV minimums. Does anyone have any insight onto why this approach is circling only?

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4 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on Apr 14, 2023

    There is a lesser-known limitation, and that is the presence or absence (or level of quality of) a runway obstacle survey.

    It’s worded a little obscurely (and in my opinion, backwards), but AC 150-5300-13B, Table K-1, Note 13 states that circling is still allowed to a runway without an acceptable runway survey – implying that lack of an acceptable survey prohibits straight-in minimums. It also mentions a possible restriction to night minimums (meaning, day only).

    Now, I don’t know what the situation is at MAN, but a runway survey issue is another possibility. Even if it NOW has an acceptable runway survey, the last time this procedure was amended was 2014. So, if it does, and you’d like it to be reconsidered for straight-in minimums, you should have the airport manager contact the FAA and request such a reevaluation.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Apr 15, 2023

    Russ, I don’t know if this changes anything, but there are straight in minimums to the opposite runway. Looking at it, I think there is also a difference in lighting.

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  3. Russ Roslewski on Apr 15, 2023

    Mark, runway obstacle surveys are runway-end specific. You can have the best survey available for one end and none for the other end. Just a matter of what they pay for.

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  4. Warren Webb Jr on May 04, 2023

    I think it’s some obstacle on relatively short final. The restriction on night landing rwy 29, where the PAPI must be operational, indicates a concern for some hazard. On Google maps street view, there are some pretty tall looking trees and powerline poles about 1500ft before the runway on 3rd St N east of N Happy Valley Rd. The street names are tricky – they change when you zoom down.

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