FAR 91.179 and IFR cruising altitudes in controlled airspace above FL410
Asked by: tommytom 1309 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
I am looking in the FAR’s for IFR Cruise Altitudes above FL410. Of course I went to FAR 91.179 and AIM 4-6-2 to find my answer.
What I noticed now has me and some other pilots puzzled unable to provide an answer.
1. 91.179 (b) title is “In uncontrolled airspace”. When under the same section 91.179 (b)(4)(i) refers to Flight levels above 29,000 ft.
- I don’t know of any airspace above FL 290 that is uncontrolled.
- It would make more sense if the title of section b were to read “In controlled and Uncontrolled”. then I would feel more this regulation applies to flying at any FL above 18,000 in “controlled” airspace.
2. 91.179 (b)(3) reads - When operating at flight level 290 and above in “non-RVSM airspace”,
- RVSM airspace begins at FL290. How can there be non-RVSM airspace above FL290
The ultimate question here is: Where is the source information where I can find how the regulations want me to fly in the Flight Levels above 410 in “controlled” airspace.
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