Does my Instrument Rating ever truly expire, even if it’s been over 2 years since my last approach? Or just an IPC is necessary?
Asked by: Jupiter3508 2380 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating
I'm a CFI/CFII and Commercial Multi-Engine pilot. But I'm neither current nor proficient, and I'm confused on some regs.
I shot my last approach on March 21st, 2021. It was my Comm Multi-Engine add-on checkride, which I passed. Date of issue: 21st March 2021, and of course it was a single-engine approach in a Seminole, to pass the ride.
That was the last approach I shot, and today is February 6th, 2023. Obviously I am long past my grace period for IFR currency, so I know that I need an IPC for sure. But is there a time limit in which your Instrument rating can actually expire, and you would need to retake your Instrument rating checkride or CFII ride with a DPE? Or will an IPC always suffice to renew your Instrument rating?
Will a successful IPC make me fully Instrument current?
Thank you in advance!
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