C-172 G1000 Rental Check Out Time – Feedback on Roughly How Long & Challenges
Asked by: PedroThePilot 1407 views Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
C-172 G1000 Rental Check Out Time – Feedback on Roughly How Long
So renting a G1000 glass panel 172 clearly warrants some additional dual instruction for pilots transitioning from basic steam or Garmin 430s, 650s, portable 496’s etc.
Assume the PPL non IFR-rated pilot already has experience flying carb as well as fuel injected C-172s, and knows the basics of “Garmin Buttonology”.
What time frames have you seen for a C-172 rental checkout (not an IFR Checkride).
I am more interested in real life feedback experiences from all the great CFI folks here. Clearly there is no correct “answer”.
Roughly how long and what areas, if any, proved to be the most time consuming to master? Also, I know there have been some previous posts addressing this topic, but it is now 2023, and there are many new web resources available. I thought a refresh would be helpful.
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