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C-172 G1000 Rental Check Out Time – Feedback on Roughly How Long & Challenges

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C-172 G1000 Rental Check Out Time – Feedback on Roughly How Long

So renting a G1000 glass panel 172 clearly warrants some additional dual instruction for pilots transitioning from basic steam or Garmin 430s, 650s, portable 496’s etc.

Assume the PPL non IFR-rated pilot already has experience flying carb as well as fuel injected C-172s, and knows the basics of “Garmin Buttonology”.

What time frames have you seen for a C-172 rental checkout (not an IFR Checkride).

I am more interested in real life feedback experiences from all the great CFI folks here. Clearly there is no correct “answer”.

Roughly how long and what areas, if any, proved to be the most time consuming to master?  Also, I know there have been some previous posts addressing this topic, but it is now 2023, and there are many new web resources available. I thought a refresh would be helpful.

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3 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Jan 11, 2023

    VFR, it mostly depends on you. If you’ve flown with Garmin before, it’s mostly getting used to the PFD and being able to get to the same functions you used on a “marginally” different flow and weaning you from flying the backup AI and ASI. “Marginally” different also depends on how you adapt to differences in any computer program. When I’m doing VFR G1000 transitions, that’s all I’m looking for.

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  2. PedroThePilot on Jan 12, 2023

    Thank you Mark for your posting and your very practical comments.

    I’m currently working with a great CFI, and he really appreciates my preparations before each lesson. I’m currently knocking off various Instrument and Commercial requirements, while focus on passing my Instrument rating first. It’s also why I am in the middle of getting checked out in a G1000 equipped C-172.

    So like many other instrument students, I have been exploring the G1000 vs GNS430+Steam options. I am a low time PPL at about 225 hours.

    Getting back to my original topic about a G1000 check out, I am perhaps a bit overly sensitive about rental check-outs because of one negative experience with a CFI. I switched CFI’s and then everything went silky smooth. It was a lowly C150 by the way.

    It’s a delicate issue for a student / renter to address when things are not progressing, especially during a routine check out for a run of the mill flight school rental plane. It’s tough to walk away from a CFI sometimes and to switch instructors. At least it is for me.

    I appreciated your comments Mark, because they give me some good reference points. Everyone’s situation is different, I know. This is a great website. The wealth of knowledge and experience here is amazing. Thank you mark.

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  3. Mark Kolber on Jan 12, 2023

    Too bad about your bad experience. Fortunately it’s not typical.

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