VFR maneuvers and VFR on Top or VFR Over the Top
Asked by: Craig 2174 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Weather
Would it be possible to climb through IMC to VFR on Top, perform some VFR maneuvers (e.g., steep turns, slow flight, etc.) with a student in a practice area, then resume normal IFR procedures with an approach back to the original airport or another airport? How would I file this on the IFR flight plan or request it in the air from ATC?
I’ve read some articles that briefly discuss the topic, which seem to imply it’s possible. One mentioned filing an IFR flight plan from airport A to a fix /waypoint and in the remarks section indicate VFR on Top and define the practice area with an altitude block and radials from a fix. For example, if tops are around 2000 MSL and clear above, file KGVL DCT AWSON DCT KGVL. Then in the Remarks, request VFR on Top, request an altitude block between 3500 MSL and 4500 MSL, and define the area as between AWSON radials 140 and 160, with a distance of 5 and 10 miles from AWSON. Not sure if it makes a difference whether the fix is a VOR or other waypoint (e.g., GPS waypoint).
Or, given the same weather conditions, would it just be easier to file IFR from GVL to AWSON, cancel IFR and go VFR (Over the Top) once I am greater than 1000 ft above the tops, do my VFR maneuvers at VFR altitudes, then pick up a pop up IFR clearance when I’m ready to go back to GVL or another airport? Not sure if it would good to file a second IFR flight plan from AWSON to GVL and pick up that clearance in the air vs. a pop up clearance.
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