I’m a PPL pre-solo student in a Part 141 program (university) and thinking about quitting due to anxiety. Do y’all have any advice?
Asked by: Nate532017 1806 views Private Pilot, Student Pilot
Hello there! I'm a student pilot at a 141 university-affiliated flight school with 24 hours in the pre-solo stage of PPL training.
I have the pre-solo stage check coming up in a week and I'm suffering from near-debilitating anxiety just thinking about it. I feel confident on the oral portion but for the flight portion I feel extremely anxious, especially for the air work portion (steep turns and stalls). While my instructor feels confident that I can fly them within standards, I have a gut fear that when it comes time to perform them on the test I'll freeze up and get caught like a deer in the headlights. Taking off and landing don't make me nervous at all; same goes for straight-and-level flight, turns, and simulated instrument flying. However, having to perform the maneuvers for a senior instructor has me feeling sick to my stomach. Flying solo also has me sick to my stomach thinking about it as well. I think that my fear mainly stems from the fear of failure and the time and financial consequences coming from it.
TL;DR, my main concern is whether the maneuver tests and my anxiety toward them will just get harder and harder as I progress through PPL and the other ratings. I don't want to keep sinking thousands upon thousands of dollars into something whose required tests and maneuvers cause me debilitating anxiety. So, I guess my question is this: At this point, do you think it's worth continuing my training? Should I at least finish PPL and get started in instrument training and make a decision then?
For additional context, I do have a special issuance on my medical for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), and I feel that it's really started to flare up as I've gotten to this stage check phase of training. I'm genuinely considering inquiring with a HIMS AME about anti-anxiety medication if my situation doesn't improve and if it's worth it to continue training.
Thank you so much for reading my post! I value any advice or input!
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