When does “rated in the aircraft” occur? (Military Competency vs FAA rating, 61.73)
Asked by: Deckard 1337 views FAA Regulations
I obtained an FAA SEL and MEL by using 61.73, since I qualified by attending the Army's FWMEQC. On what date was I rated in category and class? The date I was eligible by virtue of "logging 10 hours... category, class, and type" (1996), OR by virtu of the date in which the FAA issued the SEL and MEL add on (2022)?
This is important for the purposes of logging PIC time in an airplane.
Per 61.73:
(3) Presents official U.S. military records that show compliance with one of the following requirements -
(i) Before the date of the application, passing an official U.S. military pilot and instrument proficiency check in a military aircraft of the kind of aircraft category, class, and type, if class or type of aircraft is applicable, for the ratings sought; or
(ii) Before the date of application, logging 10 hours of pilot time as a military pilot in a U.S. military aircraft in the kind of aircraft category, class, and type, if a class rating or type rating is applicable, for the aircraft rating sought.
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