VFR over Grand Canyon with cloud interference
Asked by: NemoNiente 1182 views Airspace, Weather
Hello all,
I'm wondering about VFR with cloud interference through the Grand Canyon special airspace corridors. The chart specifies which altitudes are required for North/South bound traffic. There are 2 elevations for each direction under 14k. 11.5/13.5 Northbound, 10.5/12.5 Southbound.
I fly over the Grand Cayon frequently, but recently I encountered a VFR day, where I could not maintain VFR cloud separation at either of those altitudes going south. I smudged the altitudes to keep VFR but violated the airspace crossing elevation by almost 500' at one point in doing so. Feeling guilty about it, and unsure, I asked a local CFI what protocol would be for this situation;
Does this situation mean the corridor passing is not available unless I climb over the 14k or file IFR?
His answer was "turn the transponder off for that portion of the flight and stay clear of clouds". This was obviously not a useful answer, so here I am asking for input from you fine folks! Thanks in advance.
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