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3 Answers

TYPE-RATING PASSED Long time ago …

Asked by: 1058 views
FAA Regulations

Hi There . 

I Passed A320 TYPE-RATING 6 years ago . I'd like to get my rating back . 

Some school tell me , I need a Initail Training , because more than 60 months . 

Some School tell me , Recurrent is enough . 

Does anyone know which PART of FAR/AIM talk about this situation ?

Thanks in advance .


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3 Answers

  1. KDS on Oct 24, 2022

    I’ve heard the same story about needing to go back through initial to regain currency in a type, but I have yet to find it to be anything more than the Part 142 provider’s company policy. As far as I know, it is just a matter of passing a 14 CFR 61.58 check, by whatever method gets you to that point. Of course, the airline for which you are flying can add any additional requirements they may choose and have in their manuals.

    I only encountered this one time, when it might have come up, but fortunately the plan was scratched without taking place. If anyone finds anything different, please let us know as it seemed odd to me at the time while getting different answers for the same question.

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  2. Best Answer

    Kris Kortokrax on Oct 24, 2022

    Since he mentioned the FAR/AIM, I’m going to assume that we are talking about a U.S. type rating.

    1. The type rating does not expire. It will still be listed on your pilot certificate.

    2. Initial and Recurrent are terms used to describe different training curricula for air carriers (121 or 135).

    3. It depends on whether you are talking about returning to work for an air carrier after a layoff or if you are going to work for a different air carrier.

    a. If you are returning to work for the same air carrier, you would be undergoing requalification training. The extent of requalification training is affected by how long you have gone without recurrent training. If it has been more than 60 months, the prescribed training would mirror Initial training. See Order 8900.1, Volume 3, Chapter 19, Section 11, Table 3-75.

    b. If you are going to work for a different air carrier, you will need to complete Initial training.

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  3. Wen-Chieh Chen on Oct 26, 2022

    Thanks for the replay .

    Both of your answers are helpful ..


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