Logging PIC,XCOUNTRY, and Simulated instrument?
Asked by: Gyouska90 1443 views FAA Regulations
I am planning on flying with a friend to do some night xcountry time but I also need to do my 66hits for instrument. He has enough time in his logbook that he doesnt care about logging PIC. If we agree before hand that I am the PIC and I wear foggles for our xountry flight. From what I understand I am able to log PIC and xcountry time aswell as TT? how does this work what time can he log would he just log SIC time since he is still a required crewmember? I do not believe we can both log PIC and Xcountry? can he log Xcountry and I log PIC if we agree I am PIC before hand? any clarification is appreciated I am sure this is an over asked question! TIA
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