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2 Answers

Metar Help

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General Aviation

Hey everyone! I am in dispatch school and need some help with the bolded part of this METAR please;

KMGM 141453Z 09007KT 10SM VCTS -RA SCT036 OVC060 23/22 A3015 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NW-E RAB12 SLP206 P0003 60003 T02330217 51012

The 60003 reads that there was 00.03" of rain in the past 6 hours. However, it says that this value can also be within the last 3 hours depending on when the METAR was issued. Because this says 1453 zulu time, isn't this more indicative of a 3 hour past reading? Thanks for the help.



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2 Answers

  1. KDS on Sep 04, 2022

    I suggest going to this website:


    Joining (so you can post questions) and ask that question there. They have several dispatchers in the group who should be able to answer the question well from experience.

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  2. Tomato Flames on Jan 01, 2023

    According to the following source (non-FAA), you are correct about it referring to the past 3 hours. http://www.moratech.com/aviation/metar-class/quick-metar.html

    “6RRRR; precipitation amount, including water equivalent, to nearest 0.01 inches for past 6 hours reported in 00, 06, 12, and 18 UTC observations and for past 3 hours in 03, 09, 15, and 21 UTC observations.”

    If it’s divisible by 6, it’s the past 6 hours. If not, it’s the past 3.

    It is interesting to note that the FAA’s new Aviation Weather Handbook (https://www.faa.gov/sites/faa.gov/files/FAA-H-8083-28_FAA_Web.pdf#page291) says the following about the “Precipitation Amount Within a Specified Time Period*” – “*These groups should have no direct impact on the aviation community and will not be discussed in this document” (p. 24-19). Seems important enough to me to include, but I guess the FAA thinks otherwise!

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