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7 Answers

find CFI

Asked by: 2285 views
Flight Instructor, Student Pilot

Hello All:

I am a student, training to get my Rotor-wing PPL. The flight school terminated the program right before I got back into it. The CFI told me if he'd train me but needed a helicopter. Well, I bought one.

That was 19 months ago and I still haven't completed my training. I've done everything I can to be available but I just cant get him to respond. 

I've logged 40 hrs dual, 110 hrs solo, at least 10 cross-countries, and passed the written a year ago. All I need some is night flying.

At this point I'm ready for another CFI to finish up my training with.

Is there a directory to locate a CFI to train with in an Enstrom F28F?

Please help.


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7 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Aug 11, 2022

    Where are you located and how far are you willing to travel?

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  2. SPEC on Aug 13, 2022

    Hello Kris,

    I\’m located in the SF Bay Area. I was hoping that I could find a data base that would list rotor-wing CFI pilots but I\’m not getting anywhere.
    Again, the whole idea of buying the helicopter was to train and use it for my check ride.

    If I have to travel, then the time must be minimized due to business obligations. I imagine that can all be worked out before hand.

    Your comments are appreciated.

    Thanks for the reply.

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  3. KDS on Aug 14, 2022

    I tried to find the same thing and there isn’t a good list although there are lists out there.

    However, let me suggest this. Go to this FAA website:


    Do a search for a Helicopter DPE somewhere near you. Give that person a call, explain your situation, and ask for a reference to a CFI that he or she might recommend.

    I did a look using San Francisco and came up with no hits. Then I did with just using California and came up with a ton of them. You know the turf and where you fly, so maybe looking through those names will result in a Helicopter DPE in an area that is reasonable for you.

    If all else fails, try calling this number (510) 372-6693 or this number (415) 699-2139 and you should be talking with someone who knows helicopter CFI’s in your area.

    Good Luck. Let us know what happens.

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  4. Kris Kortokrax on Aug 16, 2022

    I retired last November as an FAA Operations Inspector in the Greater Chicago district. I did helicopter checks, as well as airplane. There is a school located in the Plymouth, IN. Cleveland Helicopter Services. The owner is Gary Cleveland. His phone number is 574-910-0920. I recall that he would travel to service students. I emailed him today and he is still in business. He said that he does still travel, but is currently busy with students who have traveled to Plymouth. He does have an Enstrom helicopter and has done a fair amount of instructing in it, as well as Robinson helicopters.

    The problem is that most helicopter schools are using Robinson R-22 & R-44 helicopters for instruction. That makes it harder to find an instructor with experience in the Enstrom. Regulations require at least 5 hours PIC time to instruct in a given make & model of helicopter.

    There was also the problem with the Enstrom company was the January bankruptcy filing. Fortunately, Chuck Surack, a helicopter enthusiast in Fort Wayne, IN bought the company, so there is still hope.

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  5. SPEC on Aug 16, 2022

    Hello Guys,

    Boy, what a find!

    KDS: I followed up with the FAA Designee Search and got a list using CA only. I picked the one closest to me and gave him a call. This guy seems to be a legend. He also knows the CFI I\\\\\\\’ve been training with, the maintenance facility I\\\\\\\’m using, etc.
    He also seems to be hard-core and by the book. No more screwing around.

    Kris: Thank you for your insight. If I hadn\\\\\\\’t got anywhere locally, I would have followed up with your friend Gary Cleveland. I was prepared to travel and spend a week somewhere to grind it out.

    Looks like I better hit the books.

    I\\\\\\\’ll keep you guys in the loop.

    Thanks again,


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  6. KDS on Aug 17, 2022

    Best of luck to you.

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  7. EnstromAtGnoss on Nov 04, 2023

    Hi Spec!
    I‘m in a very similar situation: bought an enstrom and finding it very hard to get enough time with the instructor that I’m working with as primary since he is commuting to help me.
    I’d love to pick your brain and compare notes.
    Can you share who you are working with?
    Or even given me a call to chat?
    Number is 415 269 2895

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