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Class D inbound near class C

Asked by: 1553 views Airspace, Student Pilot

I am a solo cross country student pilot planning my next flight from KRHI to KMWC. KMWC is a class d airport but the class D gets cut off out to the southeast by KMKE class c. I know I don’t have to contact them unless I plan to enter, but is this something ATC at the class D airport will make sure I stay out of? Do I need to contact KMKE on the ground to advise them I may need to enter their airspace on my departure? The traffic pattern at the class D is below the class D of KMKE but I just want to know when I would need to advise them, if I need to, and if so, when do I. Thanks


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1 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Jun 12, 2022

    This is one of those questions where local knowledge is extremely helpful. Where a phone call to a flight school or even to MWC Tower can be a great idea. Chances are there is some kind of arrangement (informal or via a Letter of Agreement) between facilities. Procedures are not uniform. With some facilities, the pilot is on their own (just as if the Tower is closed). With others, there are places where the Tower will automatically coordinate with TRACON and give you a squawk code. Are they on LiveATC? Maybe you can listen to what goes on.

    Absent knowing in advance, here is what I would do if I were departing MWC for a route in the direction of MKE. I would not rely on Tower to keep me clear of the Class C. They might do that but it’s my responsibility, not theirs. I would tell Ground my direction of flight and ask for a squawk code. If they give me one, great. I will anticipate either departure instructions that were coordinated with TRACON or an early frequency change, but be prepared to ask for it! If they don’t, I will ask what procedure I should use on departure.

    The key here is to learn what to expect. Learn on the ground, not in the air. And talk to them Controllers are pretty nice people.

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