Real world benefit of attending Part 141 and getting reduction of flight hours
Asked by: NewAviator in school 1495 views Commercial Pilot, Student Pilot
If a person plans on entering a cadet program for one of the majors that has a 500 flight hour minimum to apply, what value would attending a Part 141 school have that can offer a 250 flight hour reduction for taking 30 credit hours or a 500 flight hour reduction for taking 60 credit hours in the approved part 141 program?
Wouldn't the process actually work out as follows (roughly):
Private: 40 hours, Instrument: 50 hours, Commercial: 200 hours, towing banners 210 hours = apply for cadet program
Where does the benefit of the reduced ATP hour come in? Would there be different paths within at cadet programs if you have the reduced ATP?
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