I scared myself
Asked by: Skycatcher06 1767 views Aerodynamics, General Aviation, Light Sport Aircraft
Every month I would take a flight to practice procedures. This time I made a mistake and scared myself. I am sharing this story for a others to learn from. I started my day with a rejected takeoff which was fine then I took off. I climbed to 8,000 ft and was going to practice a simulated engine fail which I was going to add power at 4,200 and level off at 4,000. Well I got to 8,000 and pulled power to low idle. I started to circle like I would in a real engine fail and I made the mistake of circling to tight and not descending at right glide speed. I ended up in a spin I added power to TOGO and broke the spin at 6,000 and leveled off at 5,800. I did expect a spin and scared myself. I learned during a engine fail or simulated engine fail I need to make wider circles and maintain at least 75kts. I did recover and decided not to practice stalls today because I was in shock and turned back to land. By the time I was on approach I calmed down and practiced a go around then landed fine. Now I see what I did wrong and shared this story so everyone can learn that it is very important to maintain a good glide speed not to slip to 50kts when should have maintained 75kts. Stay safe everyone!
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