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5 Answers

Cost per flight

Asked by: 1816 views
General Aviation, Light Sport Aircraft, Private Pilot

General aviators how much does each flight cost you? I am going on a fun flight around 4:00PM EST and I will record all the money I have to spend. 

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5 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    KDS on Feb 01, 2022

    Don’t record how much money you spend on flying unless you can use it as a tax deduction. If you do, you will at some point look back at all the money you spent and question your sanity.

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  2. Skycatcher06 on Feb 02, 2022

    KDS ok I won’t record it. The flight was fun got to watch half of a sunset. The sun started to set looked beautiful then landed as VFR time was almost over.

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  3. KDS on Feb 02, 2022

    There is indeed great joy to be found in aviation. Handing over the money is not one of them.

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  4. Skycatcher06 on Feb 03, 2022

    I didn’t record the price but I recorded some of the stats. Which proved to be very impressive. Cruised at 4,500ft and 110Kts. Put in 12gallons burned 5.5 gallons per hour and only flew 1 hour so had left over fuel. The incredible fuel efficiency is amazing!

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  5. KDS on Feb 04, 2022

    That is a great practice. I will equate it to fuel gauges in older cars. How many times I would hear someone say something along the line of “It will go 40 more miles before after the gauge hits empty”. The more you know about your vehicle, the more performance (use) you can get from it.

    It is unfortunate that people will park rental planes and walk inside never knowing how much fuel it took to top off the tanks. There is value in knowing how what you planned for matched what happened and that knowledge is available for free just by sticking around as the aircraft is refueled. Flight training is expensive, and it is a shame to pass up that free lesson.

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