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3 Answers

Passing IFR written before 141 flight training?

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FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating

Hello everyone,
I passed my private pilot check-ride about a week ago, yay!!
I'm not starting instrument rating and I would prefer to study on my own and pass the written before I begin my flight training in a part 141 school. 
Now, what implications does it have if I show up at a 141 school with the IFR written already passed?
Can I also do my flight training during the weekend as part 141, or it has to be done on a tight timeline?


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3 Answers

  1. KDS on Jan 26, 2022

    The more study you do before starting the formal Part 141 course is to your advantage, so do study. Having the highest possible score on the knowledge test (written test) is also to your advantage. It is likely that you will be better prepared to get a high score later in your training. So, I would recommend waiting to take the knowledge test. Of course, do not wait until so late that if something goes wrong that you do not have time to recover, retrain, and retry.

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  2. frankfly86 on Jan 29, 2022

    That doesn’t really answer my questions. The problem isn’t the actual test, it’s more if this has an impact on part 141. And if part 141 can be followed on a weekend basis or it has to be on a restricted timeline of some sort.

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  3. Warren Webb Jr on Feb 14, 2022

    Congratulations on passing your Private Pilot checkride. I assume you want to take advantage of the reduced hours required under 141. To complete the training under 141, one completes the ground and flight course that the FSDO approved for that school. You can study other material, but you still have to complete their ground course. The best thing is to talk to the available 141 schools and explain you want to enroll and graduate from their 141 course. Have them show you their approved ground and flight course, get the price, and ask them if you can do the ground portion first. At the same meeting, ask all of your questions about the flight lessons. There can be a wide variation that only the flight school can answer. Some allow the student to specify when the flight lessons will take place – others may have a strict schedule and expect you to adjust your schedule accordingly. Good luck. The Instrument rating was my favorite.

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