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Asked by: 2695 views ,
Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations

Now before you scold me for asking this question I just wanna say I do not condone flying under the influence of any substance nor have I ever.  I am a college student working on my commercial rating and I have to get a medical within the next few months.  You will also know from the title of this post that I like to indulge on some Mary Jane.  I personally prefer it to other substances used for fun like alcohol, but I know the FAA is not a big fan of the plant that makes you feel funny.  So now the real question I have is do they test for marijuana on the medical?  I have done some research but have not found a definitive answer.  I also wanted to know what your opinions on pilots using marijuana are, and of course I mean on the side like having a beer or two on your day off but instead of a few beers its a joint.   

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5 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Dec 01, 2021

    The urine test in the FAA medical is a test for protein in your urine which is an indication of kidney issues or diabetes. It is not a drug test. You may be subject to a drug test by an employer or law enforcement, but the urine test you take during an FAA physical is not for that purpose. However, there are questions on the application for a physical that read as:

    “Substance dependence or failed a drug test ever; or substance abuse or use of illegal substance in the last 2 years”

    If you answer the question as yes, the following is the guidance to the AME.

    “Substance dependence; or failed a drug test ever; or substance abuse or use of
    illegal substance in the last 2 years. “Substance” includes alcohol and other drugs
    (e.g., PCP, sedatives and hypnotics, anxiolytics, marijuana, cocaine, opioids,
    amphetamines, hallucinogens, and other psychoactive drugs or chemicals). For a “yes”
    answer to Item 18.n., the Examiner should obtain a detailed description of the history. A
    history of substance dependence or abuse is disqualifying. The Examiner must defer
    issuance of a certificate if there is doubt concerning an applicant’s substance use.”

    Lying on the application is a federal offense.

    I would suggest that if you intend to pursue an aviation career or obtain a pilot’s license, you cease using marijuana and wait until you can provide a truthful answer.

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  2. Gary Moore on Dec 01, 2021

    There are states where marijuana is legal and you could honestly answer that question no…..

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  3. John D Collins on Dec 01, 2021

    Gary, state law may allow it, but currently Federal law does not. The question is on a Federal Form and is listed in the examples on the form, so IMHO it would be dishonest.

    I got this from the FAA site: https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/avs/offices/aam/drug_alcohol/policy/qa_sse/a3

    I tested positive for marijuana on a DOT/FAA drug test, but recreational use of marijuana is legal in my state. Will my test be cancelled?
    No, your test will not be cancelled. Although some states have passed laws that permit the recreational use of marijuana, the Medical Review Officer (MRO) who reviews your test results will not verify your drug test as negative based on recreational use.

    Please review the Department of Transportation’s Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliance’s position on this issue.

    Aside from any state law pertaining to the use of marijuana within a state, it is important to be aware that the FAA’s regulation [14 CFR § 120.33(b)], expressly prohibits you from performing a safety-sensitive function for a certificate holder while having a prohibited drug, which includes marijuana and marijuana metabolites, in your system. If you are a pilot, a verified positive drug test result for marijuana on a required DOT/FAA test will make you unqualified to hold an FAA-issued medical certificate.

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  4. Mark Kolber on Dec 07, 2021

    Gary and John,

    Interesting discussion.

    I absolutely would NOT want to test it but I think a good case can be made that “use of illegal substance in the last 2 years” means illegal under the circumstances of use. Just as physician authorized use of an opioid (one of the listed drugs) after surgery would not be reported under the dependence/abuse/use question, it is a reasonable position to take (although not necessarily a winning one) that neither would cannabis use in a state or nation where it is legal.

    It is an entirely separate issue from failing a drug test when engaging in a regulated activity or prohibitions on being under the influence when performing certain activities (both of which exist even in states where recreational use is legal).

    And arguably, being “dishonest” with a government specifically authorized to lie during investigations is less about morality than consequences.

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  5. Aero on Jun 04, 2022

    If you are involved in an accident, get tested and come up positive for weed, you my friend will be toast. Could possibly result in a lawsuit costing you, or even ruining you.

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