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2 Answers

How to optimally use the 20 Hour Simulation Training Allowance in an AATD for Instrument Rating

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FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot, Student Pilot

The FAA permits a maximum of 20 hours credit towards the instrument rating for a private pilot using an AATD. So how to best use them is the question.

Assume a person is training for an instrument rating. Said private pilot has used an aircraft exclusively to complete the 50 hours of XC pic time, as well as the Dual IFR Cross-Country flight with a CFII including:
- Distance of 250 NM
- 3 airports with different instrument approaches at each airport.

Among the requirement for an instrument ratings, it also takes 40 Hrs Simulated or Actual Instrument Time and must include:
____ - 15 hrs Instrument Dual Received
____ - 3 hrs Test Prep within 60 Days of Checkride.

So I have a great friend with a current medical, and commercial and instrument ratings who has offered to act as a safety pilot. I believe that 25 of those 40 hours could technically be completed in an aircraft with a safety pilot. The Dual 250 NM XC with the CFII instructor also counts towards the 40 hours.  In fact, I believe it may count towards the core 15 hour requirement.

I'll probably need more than the minimum number of hours to become sufficiently proficient for the instrument check ride.  I am trying to figure out the best balance of DUAL SIM time and actual further DUAL training in an AIRCRAFT.

The plane I'll likely use for the actual check ride will be equipped with a Garmin 430 or a 650. No fancy G1000's are available.

There is a lot of talent on this board. I know there is no " single correct answer " to my scenario. I am looking for opinions and perspectives, pros and cons, etc.

Thank you all.


2 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Nov 16, 2021

    The advantages of a device are two-fold. First, because the flight can start anywhere in the air, you can focus on procedures. Second, you can create more realistic emergencies, like failed gyros where the systems fail without he obvious hand pits a cover in the AI and DG

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  2. PedroThePilot on Nov 16, 2021

    Thank you Mark.

    I get the impression it would be a waste to use the 20 hour SIM time allowance to simply fulfill any needed PIC XC hours for example. It seems the best approach may be to use DUAL SIM time to achieve a degree of proficiency that would then in turn enable actual aircraft flying time to be used more effectively for practice and less for teaching.

    I’ll probably choose to use up the 20 hours of DUAL SIM plus then add lots of actual aircraft time. Instrument training can be expensive, and I appreciate that the SIM can help reduce expenses a bit. Likewise, I don’t want to cut training costs to the bone and do everything at a minimum with just enough to legally scrape by.

    The school I currently use does not have an AATD, so I may need to get some of that SIM time elsewhere. I like my current instructor and don’t want to change schools. I do, however, want to use a SIM, so I’ll have to explore how all this will play out. I don’t want to ruffle any feathers so to speak.

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