Sport, Recreational, Private
Asked by: FlopDog 1952 views Light Sport Aircraft, Student Pilot
I'm a Light Sport student, just did my solo in August (what a memory!), and I'm wondering which license I should actually pursue. Who is using the different types of license? Why are pilots either LSA, Rec, Private? How do "I" know which one to pursue?
Background for me, I'm 48yrs old, found my dad's logbook in his memory box and thought "what does it take to fly"? Long/Short found a flight school and now I'm about 50hr into this journey (sadly most of my friends don't even know it's possible to fly).
I DON'T think my wife will be interested in flying (often), and for my kids I truly think I need MANY more hours to feel comfortable dealing with all the situations that may arise before I put them in the plane.
So I guess my question is, What is the pro/con of each license? (please use Paul's long winded answer) :)
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