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4 Answers

filing IFR for VFR flight following

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when you file VFR your route is not passed along in the  ATC system.  If you are using flight following,  the controller you contact has no info  and he has to do "work" rather than just  looking at your "strip" . I have seen references to filing an IFR flight plan with an altitude like VFR/045" in the altitude field of an IFR flight plan in order to get your flight strip into the system. I think this was prior to ICAO changeover.  Does this still work?   If not is there an alternative way to do it?  i am usually using Foreflight to file.

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4 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Oct 09, 2021

    Yes this will work, but ForeFlight does not support setting the altitude to use VFR or VFR/045. This is the same format used in the DC SFRA area and is used to file a VFR DC SFRA flight plans. Remember that even if you file this way using another system such as calling FSS or using 1800WXBRIEF.COM, this flight plan does not get alerts if you don’t show up at your destination, FSS will come looking for you. Flight Following is an optional time available service and you can be dropped if ATC is busy.

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  2. Motor Glider on Oct 09, 2021

    so is it possible to have (almost) the best of both?

    file & activate a combination flight plan that is VFR departure and IFR starting at the nearest intersection to uour destination and have your strip in the system for flight following during the VFR portion? Then cancel IFR when you are nearing the arrival intersection if you aren\’t vectored for a visual approach. if you get surprised with localized IMC you can elect to just fly the approach.

    if that works would you pick up your clearance at the destination airport as you would for a standard IFR flight plan? .

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  3. John D Collins on Oct 10, 2021

    I don’t recommend attempting to use a composite VFR/IFR flight plan. It really is not supported in the US. I called FSS and asked some questions a while back and the briefer could not answer, He said in his 15 years, he never did one and nobody on duty with him at the time had done one either. Filing a Y or Z flight plan rules is not supported with ForeFlight in the USA.

    So rather than trying to game the system, file what you want, IFR or VFR. If you want to depart VFR and pickup IFR close to your destination, I suggest you file VFR if you wish to get search and rescue services, activate your VFR flight plan and if you wish to get VFR flight following, give ATC what they need to provide the service. Don’t forget to close your flight plan. Usually ATC can accommodate you if you need to switch to IFR close to your destination.

    ATC only cares about a limited amount of information for VFR flight following. You are responsible for your navigation, they just need to have you identified and generally where you are going so they can anticipate handoffs to the next controller. The controller will enter a minimum amount of information

    This is a comment from a controller on another forum:

    “A couple things to keep in mind. First off the controller will never enter all the info that a pilot does when filing. A controller does not fill out a form, he types some data into his computer, N number, type and equipment suffix, altitude and route. That’s it. The pilot is required to file several more bits of info. The controller is not nor does he have the least concern with how much gas you have, your time enroute or what your alternate is. Filing IFR but intending to be VFR is very handy for the controller. You are IFR because the controller says you’re IFR. The strip in front of the controller is the same whether you are IFR or VFR. To make it show you as VFR he simply changes the altitude block to the letters “VFR” or a VFR altitude such as VFR105. To make you IFR he changes it to an IFR altitude such as 100.”

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  4. Motor Glider on Oct 10, 2021


    Thank you for your insights, it was very helpful.


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