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2 Answers

Option Radar, Option tower

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General Aviation

Does anybody know about "option radar, option tower"?

When I request ILS approach to military airport, approach asks me " Do you want option radar or option tower?"

I couldn't find it on the book or internet. 

Please enlighten me  if you know the answer. 


Thank you. 





2 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    Russ Roslewski on Sep 20, 2021

    It’s just verbal shorthand and is not just at military bases. Presumably you are not performing a full stop landing, and ATC needs to know what you will be doing following your low approach/touch-and-go/stop-and-go.

    “Option Tower” means you will be staying in the tower VFR pattern, and do not need to be switched back to the radar facility.

    “Option Radar” means you want to go back to the radar facility, for example to be vectored back around again for another instrument approach. Therefore Tower and Approach will need to coordinate with each other on a heading and altitude to assign you after your low approach (etc.)

    So it’s all about telling ATC what you want to do “next”.

    Now, it’s not exactly standard phraseology, but in places where it’s used, does get the point across quickly.

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  2. wannaflykr on Sep 20, 2021

    This is exact answer that I was looking for.

    I had that kind of feeling too but I wasn’t sure about it.

    But you gave me exact meaning of option radar, option tower.

    Thank you so much. I appreciate this.

    CFI Lee from RKTU.

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